New Jersey has a population of 8,881,845. In the year 2020, there were 97,134 firearms sold in New Jersey. That's one firearm sold for every 91.4 people in the state. New Jersey ranks in the #49 position in terms of per capita gun sales, and in the #40 position in absolute firearm sales for the most recent year. For every McDonald’s restaurant in New Jersey there are 1.02 gun dealers.
Firearm Sales in New Jersey | |
Year 2020 | 97,134 |
Year 2019 | 48,731 |
Year 2018 | 49,169 |
Year 2017 | 54,152 |
Dealers & Manufacturers in New Jersey | |
Gun dealers | 317 |
Gun pawnbrokers | 0 |
Ammo manufacturers | 12 |
Gun manufacturers | 23 |
Gun importers | 12 |
Number of McDonald's in the state | 311 |